Wednesday, May 21, 2014

#Watchlist - $ENSV $CXDC

ENSV- earnings winner earlier this month, conference coming up. Will look at buying the 2.75 breakout.
CXDC- this stock doesn't know how to pull back. earnings winner a month ago. Will buy dips today. Would love to see an all time high in the 10.75 area too.

Monday, April 7, 2014

#Watchlist 4/08/2014 -$STS $VTNR $AFH

STS-on the verge of a multi time frame breakout or failure. Will look to buy the grindings up or Short the failure.
VTNR- again on the verge of a breakout. Broke out yesterday, will buy if it starts grinding up tomorrow or short the resistance.
AFH- Will watch for a possible ABCD pattern setup tomorrow.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Watchlist 3/31/2014 - $PGTI, $ARTX, $SYRG, $QUIK, $GSAT, $VLCCF, $CORT

PGTI-looks to be setting up an ABCD pattern.
ARTX- up on contract and a seeking alpha article.Will look to short if it can't break key resistance levels. A possible buy if it does break and hold them.
SYRG- Grinding up to it's highs. Will look to buy a breakout if it holds or short the resistance.
QUIK-will look to short at key resistance level. There is a lot of profit taking in the overall market in this type of stock.
GSAT- will look to short into or buy a big morning dip. Not much went on Friday afternoon.
VLCCF- downward trending. Will look to short.
CORT-just following. Currently near some key resistance areas, don't think it will break anything, but don't want to short this.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Watchlist 3/4/2014 - $OXBT, $XGTI, $PLUG, $PEIX

OXBT the FDA has lifted it's hold on one of it's drugs. Up on a morning gap already, but will look to buy dips.
XGTI's patent that will allow for improved spectrum efficiency. I'ts already at a 3 month high. Will look to buy dips. Watchout as earnings are coming Thursday.
PLUG is up huge on a contract with Wall-Mart and a breakout. I've played it yesterday and will consider taking a new position today.
PEIX up on earnings and a new seeking alpha article. Will buy on a breakout and support at the prior resistance.

Friday, February 28, 2014

#Watchlist 2/28/2014 - $DANG, $MCIG, $BEAT, $CTIC, $TSEM, $NOR

DANG I bought it at the breakout of 12 yesterday and it just kept going. Holding overnight looking for a gap up. Will probably sell into it.
MCIG has been going up for a few days now. Holding a small position overnight Will sell into a big morning gap, but I'm also considering adding a small longer term position after doing some more research.
BEAT earnings winner. Will buy at 12 breakout.
CTIC approved drug use in the EU. Buy at breakout around 4.25
TSEM brokeout on earnings yesterday. Already up, but will buy on a big enough dip and or some gearing/perking.
NOR earnings winner, will look at buying dips.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Watchlist 2/25/2014 - $NVLX, $EKSO, $VEND, $YOD, $DLIA

NVLX Brokeout at the end of the day and kept rising I bought at the end of the day expecting a morning gap followed by a quick decent. If it rises quickly enough I'll short into the drop as well.

EKSO held strong after the morning run up and consolidated nicely throughout the day. Profit takers took some off the table towards the end of the day, but during the last few minutes EKSO spiked a bit. Expecting a morning run and drop, and maybe even some more consolidation throughout the day.

VEND is picking up speed. Maybe the short will finally be there after a big morning run up.

YOD fell all yesterday. Expecting a drop coming.

DLIA Currently long, expecting a morning gap on a seeking alpha article saying it's, "...Poised to Triple"

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Watchlist 2/24/2014 - $NVLX, $XOMA, $EKSO, $CARA, $MXC, $SGMO, $BLDP, $EXAS

NVLX broke out Friday afternoon but had resistance at .3 Will look for a gap up, but if it doesn't break .3 will sell quickly. holding long over the weekend
XOMA up on conference news. Lots of prior resistance however. Will look for dip buy opportunities.
EKSO It's exploding over the weekend with both Tim and a Seeking Alpha article pumping it. Afterwards, I'll consider buying on a dip and looking for a breakout as the story develops.
CARA- A superman pump. Will consider buying on a dip and on some gearing/perking.
MXC- possible breakout at 9.5 after good earnings. Still has a lot of resistance however so I'll get out quick if it turns.
SGMO up on earnings. Close to a breakout at 20. Will dip buy and double down if it breaks 20.
BLDP up on news, earnings, and a pump. Will look to buy on a breakout past 3.
EXAS is a earnings winner. Looking for a breakout past 15.